Monday, March 2, 2015

Jack meets Spock!

This is a simple dialogue between Spock from Star Trek and my character, Jack.

Spock: Hello, my name is Spock.
Jack: Good afternoon, my name is Jack. Just wondering, have you read The Conquering of Japan?
Spock: Ah, yes of course. I learned many new battle techniques from this particular book. Reading books like these help me find techniques to fight creatures and my foes in the future. I have read many books similar to this one, but I like this book the most.
Jack: I definitely agree with what you said. Although I do not have to read complex books to fight enemies, I chose this book as my favorite. It will not help me in real life, but it is interesting and I learned a lot.
Spock: Have you read The Art of War?
Jack: Of course, that is a classic! I have even reread it because it is so wonderful. These books are so interesting, and I wonder what will happen to me if I actually became a soldier in war!
Spock: You won't be a soldier, you are far too smart too be a mere pawn. You would be a commander, a planner. In fact, one day, when I complete Machine 5000, I can transform you into a person for one day!
Jack: Wow, that is amazing! Oh no, I cannot talk to you longer, I must eat now. Next time, please tell me how you were able to make this machine!
Spock: Yes, of course. It was great talking to you today. Next time, we will go into more detail.

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