Friday, February 13, 2015

16 Personalities - Character Development

  1. What is your character's name? Jack Tyracon
  2. Where was your character born? Sydney, Australia
  3. What is your character's theme song? "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor
  4. How does your character get along with other characters? As long as the other characters are hard working, he will get along with them.
  5. What is your character's favorite movie? Any documentary
  6. What is your character's favorite color? Red (for blood)
  7. What is your character's favorite hobby? Reading/studying/learning
  8. What motivates your character? The result/consequence
  9. Is your character honest? Does your character lie, cheat and steal? If lying is necessary to achieve his goal, Jack will lie for the sake of success.
  10. Does your character feel emotions? a little; not really
  11. Does your character know Mr. Richards? yes, he read about him.
  12. Does your character work for a living? (have a job) no, he's in school
  13. Is your character afraid of ghosts? Is character a ghost? no, he does not believe in ghosts. He believes in science.
  14. What scares your character? Nothing; science is fascinating.
  15. Is your character superstutious? No, he believes what he reads.
  16. Who is your character's best friend? Freddy
  17. How would your character's best friend describe your character? Smart, nerdy, dilligent
  18. Describe one of your characters biggest failures. getting any question wrong
  19. Describe one of your characters biggest accomplishments. reaching his goal (i.e. finishing a book, learning something new, etc.)
  20. If your character could have dinner with three other characters, who would he or she choose? Anyone smart who likes science and is hard working.
  21. Who is your character's favorite band or musician? Mozart, then Bach (any classical or baroque composer)

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