Thursday, June 11, 2015

Final Exam - 2D Animation (Period 6)

1) My favorite animated film is Spirited Away.

2) I like Spirited Away because I can relate to the main character, the climax part was very intense, and the animation is very detailed.

3) My teacher's favorite animated series is Wonder Woman.

4) I chose this answer based on his reactions when we watched Wonder Woman. Everyone in the class including him was interested in watching and was amazed whenever something intense happened.

5) My teacher likes the series because the fight scenes were cleverly animated, the plot was appealing, and the characters (especially Wonder Woman) were charming.

6) My best work this year is the latest animation titled "Duk's First Swim." I used Actionscript 3.0 to construct a meaningful animation about a duckling named Duk who goes swimming for the first time. I inserted music in the background and had credits in the very end. I drew everything (characters, backgrounds) and made them move by inserting various tweens. The main message is to overcome your fears to become who you really are.

7) My last animation is titled "Duk's First Swim." Duk is a duckling who does not know how to swim. Abigail is a human who helps Duk overcome his fears by making him enter the water, and she watches over him like a mother. Duk eventually learns how to swim, but in the end it is revealed that Duk is a chicken.

8) Here is a link to my latest animation project:

9) The three things I did well on this project are: my story line is refreshing, the music I added was very suitable, and the timing of the texts is accurate.

10) Emily Xu created my favorite final project in Period 6.

11) In a digital classroom, my responsibilities are to be on time, be prepared (i.e. have sketchbook out), seek help from my classmates/teacher/outside sources, listen and learn from the instructor, and give my all for any project.

12) Done!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New 3 Act and Logline

Title: Come Back Here, Balloon!
Logline: 3 Friends lose a balloon, then the 4th friend comes to rescue and saves more than just the balloon.
Act 1 (Setup): Jack, Fred, and Efuru have one balloon left over from the party the day prior. They love the balloon with their life.
Act 2 (Confrontation): They give the balloon to Jack the Book Worm and he accidently lets it go. They get so mad at him, and nearly stomp on him out of anger.
Act 3 (Resolution): Vomer Groner comes and stops them from killing Jack and got them a new balloon.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

You deserve a high five

Today, I experimented with five colors and five fonts for the phrase "You deserve a high five." "You" is a solid blue and its font is Stencil Std. "Deserve" is a light purple and its font is Tempus Sans ITC. "A" is a bright green and its font is Tajan Pro. "High" is a dark green with a red highlight and its font is Orator Std. "Five" is a very dark red and its font is Rosewood Std.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Frog Animation With Sound

This is my frog animation with sound. I included chirping sounds in the distance so that it sounded like my frog was jumping in a forest.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Identifying Sounds - Tom and Jerry

1. The applause is made by people actually clapping.
2. The piano music Tom and Jerry are playing is made by someone actually playing the music.
3. The sound of Tom's collared shirt falling of is made by the creaking of a door.
4. The sound of Tom slamming the piano bench is made by slamming a book shut.
5. Tom panting is made by the recording of someone else panting.